
Cosmetic Dental

Missing, crooked or stained teeth, are problems we can fix quickly and easily – giving you back confidence and making your smile the best it can be.

Our cosmetic treatments also help prevent bone decay and gum disease, which are linked to health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

We offer the full range of cosmetic dental services including:

Advanced Teeth Whitening

We employ the latest and most effective teeth whitening technology. The SmartBleach 3LT utilises laser technology to provide a whitening that is:

  • More natural-looking (other whitening methods cause tooth
    dehydration resulting in a chalky-white finish)
  • Significantly less likely to cause sensitivity
  • Faster (about half the time of other popular methods)
  • Longer-lasting (up to 5 years)

Contact us to find the best solution for your individual circumstance and budget.

Contact us to make an appointment